torstai 11. huhtikuuta 2024

 Academic Boycott of Israel - Why, how and why now?

Wednesday 24th April, 16:15

Researchers for Palestine, Turku with Palestine and the KULTVA Network are inviting you to a public lecture given by Syksy Räsänen (Sumud co-chair and ICAHD Finland chair, and author of ‘Israelin apartheid’) on the "Academic Boycott of Israel - Why, how and why now?"

Place: PUB 4, Publicum, Floor 2, Assistentinkatu 7, University of Turku

Date and time: Wednesday 24th April, 16:15-17:30

Palestinian civil society's call for academic boycott of Israel turns 20 in July. It has been gaining particular traction in the recent months. This lecture will discuss this campaign focusing on the following questions: How is Israeli academia complicity apartheid and genocide? What are the goals of the boycott campaign, and why would it be effective? What are the similarities with and differences from the academic boycott of South Africa and Russia? The lecture will be in English.

This public lecture is an ideal opportunity for all members of the academic community in Turku, including researchers', teachers' and student unions and associations, to learn more and ask questions about the academic boycott and what it entails.

The event follows KULTVA principles for safer space:…/kultvas-principles-for-safer-space/

Accessibility information: The lecture hall is accessible to wheelchairs and mobility aids. There is space for wheelchairs in the lecture hall. Access to the lecture hall is through the main doors of Publicum from the courtyard. There is a ramp at the main entrance and a button on the right side of the ramp to open the electric doors of the main entrance, go straight ahead to the lift. The lecture hall is located on the second floor of the Publicum, and is immediately to the right as you exit the elevator.

Accessible toilets are located in the second-floor lobby and in the lower lobby. Accessible toilets are also available in the lobbies on the third and fourth floors.

There is no induction loop or sound system in the lecture hall. It is a small lecture room with relatively good sound transmission without sound systems.

If you have any questions about accessibility of the event, please contact Elina Sutela,

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